In Moldova various activities were organized to celebrate the World AIDS Day, under the slogan “Generation without AIDS starts with me”, such as:

·         informative seminars

·         trainings for young people

·         spread of information

·         flash mobs

·         charity concert

Maybe one of the most special events was the activity “Route of Safety” in the public transport, where the volunteers informed passengers about HIV\AIDS. 

Also, currently, in the Republic of Moldova, young people are actively and extensively involved in the project “Send a postcard to design your future”, as a part of regional company EECA Youth Voice, supported by UNFPA. Youth sends postcards with the answer at the question: Why should be youth the priority of the state? All the answers are going to be collected for the youth petition, to promote youth as priority in the development of the state after 2015.

Each youth voice is very important and the project “Send a postcard to design your future” is reaching out to vulnerable youth, including minors serving prison sentence, too.

Young people are able to change Moldova, check out some of their photos and the video they produced: