The resolution on progress on equality between women and men in the EU in 2013 has been voted at the plenary sitting on Tuesday, 10th March.
The report analyzes the progress on gender equality and underscores the need for policies improving women’s position in decision-making processes as well work/life balance; highlights the influence of economic crisis on women and pays attention to improvement of child care systems, maternity and paternity leaves.
It also calls for the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights, including access to contraception and abortion and refers to ensuring sexual and reproductive health of young people:
[The Commission] ‘Maintains that women must have control over their sexual and reproductive health and rights, not least by having ready access to contraception and abortion; supports, accordingly, measures and actions to improve women’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and inform them more fully about their rights and the services available; calls on the Member States and the Commission to implement measures and actions to make men aware of their responsibilities for sexual and reproductive matters’
[The Commission] ‘Emphasizes the importance of active prevention, education and information policies aimed at teenagers, young people and adults to ensure that sexual and reproductive health among the public is good, thereby preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies’
YouAct members from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Ireland, Poland and Romania have written a letter to their MEPs, asking for a vote in favor of the resolution and confirming their support to the resolution, which clearly calls for the realization of women’s SRHR:
Altogether YouAct has sent 101 letters:
Bulgaria – 17 MEPs
Cyprus – 6 MEPs
Denmark – 13 MEPs
Ireland – 11 MEPs
Poland – 22 MEPs
Romania – 32 MEPs
The advocacy action undertaken by YouAct has contributed to the positive result of voting: the resolution passed by 441 votes to 205 with 52 abstentions on Tuesday. YouAct members have reached MEPs, who have supported the resolution, thanking them for expressing support for gender equality and SRHR. Some MEPs have already responded, confirming their support and expressing will for future cooperation.
Results of voting are accessible here and the resolution here.
English: ‘Women must have control over their sexual and reproductive health and rights, not least by having ready access to contraception and abortion.’
Bulgarian: ‘Жените жените трябва да разполагат с контрол върху сексуалното и репродуктивното си здраве и права, по-специално чрез улеснен достъп до противозачатъчни средства и аборт.’
Cyprus: ‘Οι γυναίκες πρέπει να έχουν τον έλεγχο της σεξουαλικής και αναπαραγωγικής υγείας και των δικαιωμάτων τους, αν μη τι άλλο, έχοντας άμεση πρόσβαση στην αντισύλληψη και την άμβλωση.’
Danish: Kvinder skal have kontrol over deres seksuelle og reproduktive sundhed og rettigheder, ikke mindst ved at have adgang til prævention og abort.”
Polish: ‘Kobiety powinny mieć kontrolę nad swoim zdrowiem seksualnym i reprodukcyjnym oraz wiążącymi się z nim prawami szczególnie poprzez łatwy dostęp do środków antykoncepcyjnych i możliwość aborcji.’
Romanian: ‘Femeile trebuie să aibă controlul asupra drepturilor lor sexuale și reproductive, în special printr-un acces facil la contracepție și avort’
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