The largest in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia Youth Conference, the Jashtar Camp 2014 has been held on the 15th of November in Bishkek, Batken, and Jalal-Abad and on the 16th of November in Osh and Karakol. This year the organizers celebrated the five year anniversary with an informal conference, whose main objective is to try to get young people interested in actively participating in the development of the country.
This year Jashtar Camp 2014 included three thematic platforms:
- Youth – science, culture and creativity;
- Youth – politics and business;
- Youth – Civic Engagement (environment, health, gender equality, right).
The program of Jashtar Camp 2014 consisted of:
- Exhibition of young inventors and scientists of Kyrgyzstan – more than 40 innovative works of young people in the field of ecology, engineering, architecture, medicine: the construction of “Transformer”, a computer capillaroscope draft National Park, 3D-printer «Tunguch», animation module (Pautina) and others.
- The concert program with participation of famous Kyrgyz artists and new young faces in the field of creativity and show business, which represented our country abroad (Ukraine, USA, Kazakhstan) – dance group We’ll be, Aiym Ailchieva, Asel Turgumbekova and others.
- Fashion show by young designers KR «Ethno», «Modern», «Avangard» – Ayperi Obozova, young designers from KRSU, KSUCTA et al.
- Speakers-motivators following areas: art, creativity and science; politics and business; civic participation – Dastan Omuraliev entrepreneur, artist Nargis Chynalieva, politician Atay Beishenbek uluu, marketer Daria Sukhodolov, inventor Koylubaev Meder etc.
- International speakers Donnie Sith (Singapore) and Irina Mednikova (Kazakhstan).
- Interactive game from BOOM Studio.
- Master class of Bachata Dance Studios Social CODA.
As part Jashtar Camp competitions for the best picture “I have the right to …” and the best social video “I’m changing the world around them” have been announced. The awards ceremony took place within the closing ceremony.
Also, there was a Selfie contest having three categories: “Best Selfie mass JashtarCamp2014», «The most creative selfie JashatrCamp2014» and «The most fun selfie JashtarCamp2014». Prize raffles have been held at 3 tablets.
The NGO event “Youth Peer Education Network Y-PEER» within the frame of EECA Youth Voice campaign, has seen an organized platform for informing young people about the principles of equal education and SRHR by distributing promotional materials, as well as a platform where young people could write their appeals, get photographed with them and post them in a social network. The young people were also asked to familiarize themselves with the new law on ” reproductive rights of citizens and guarantees of their implementation.” Young people, who know their reproductive rights, gladly signed the petition in support of the Act. The event has raised more than 70 signatures, and about 50 pictures of young people who are actively supporting the Youth Voice campaign and the above-mentioned Act. It is important to add that our prime-minister attended at Jahtar Camp 2014. He also inquired about this campaign.
Overall, more than 800 people attended the event from Bishkek.
In the 4 regions of Kyrgyzstan young Y-PEER activists along with health professionals have held thematic sessions on the reproductive health matter which aimed to petition-signing and participating in the “Youth Voice” campaign on Jashtar Camp.
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