In 2014, more than 7,500 young people from 17 countries have been engaged in consultations and contributed to shaping the youth vision for the future they want. In all countries, young people voiced their needs and recommendations and agreed on the priorities they would like to present to their national stakeholders and further advocate for their inclusion within the post-2015 development agenda. Though there are variations in the youth priorities identified by the youth organizations or networks in each country, the overarching ones mentioned in all 17 country reports are related to investments in young people’s education, health and employment, while ensuring meaningful youth participation, including youth-adult partnership and equal opportunities for all.
The outcomes from the consultations held in 2014 have been used for the follow-up activities in 2015 and focus on reaching out to decision makers from respective countries and presenting the youth vision and the advocacy messages developed during the national consultations. The activities are carried on at country level until November 2015 and the final “Youth Voice” Regional Campaign report is expected to be compiled by the end of the year.
Below you can read a summary of the activities carried out in last year and those planned for this year, grouped by country.
Implemented activities in 2014
Established a forum for young people to voice their concerns and needs, and exchange information about ICPDb2014 and Post2015 agenda. Synergies and linkages were made with the ongoing Post2015 national consultations and the development of the national youth action plan led by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. Three national NGOs in 4 districts, through 9 world café consultative workshops, focus groups, and roundtables collected the voices of diverse youth groups: young people without parental care, Roma and Egyptians, drug users, sex workers, LGBT and MSM, youngsters from poor families in remote rural areas, and school aged adolescents. About 200 young people were heard and their voices documented through video footage, human stories, articles and photo messages.
Planned activities for 2015
The main activities include work with media, advocacy meetings, discussions with key officials, expansion of youth network and enhancing their capacity trough training and establishment of youth councils on the local levels. All activities aim to promote the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized youth and advocate for their rights trough media, lobbying and youth participation. The advocacy campaigns focus is on investment in youth development aimed to reach ministries of health, social welfare and youth, education, culture and other government authorities.
Implemented activities in 2014
The organizations in Armenia have focused on preparatory activities for the roll-out of the national campaign: materials were translated into the local language and announcement letters and a Facebook page were created. They also hosted a competition among youth from Armenia about the problems they face, with submissions as photos with messages and articles. They also had informative meetings with the main stakeholders about the roll-out of the campaign.
Planned activities for 2015
The national campaign consists of sessions focused on youth issues, addressing youth needs through reporting and informal discussions with public bodies. Following the consultations, they will organize a special exhibition with photos of young people and different aspects of their lives for public, mass media and decision-makers. These photos will illustrate those problems which young people face and which are addressed by the message/declaration.
Implemented activities in 2014
A day-long consultation with young people was organized back-to-back with a four-day-long theater-based training aimed at raising awareness on SRHR, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence and trafficking. A follow-up activity was held in collaboration with the Ombudsman’s Office in Baku, and brought together more than 60 people, including young students and schoolchildren with a poor socio-economic background, as well as their parents. The peer educators performed theatre scenes which revealed aspects of youth SRH, gender equality, stigma and discrimination. This was followed by a facilitated consultation in which the group shared views on the issues they would like to change, emphasizing the need for improved youth involvement and participation. Following these interrelated series of activities, the draft declaration “Azerbaijani youth in action for better future” was developed and shared with UNFPA Azerbaijan CO and the Ministry of Youth and Sports for review.
Planned activities for 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implemented activities in 2014
Y-PEER Network has implemented several focus group discussions with youth from different backgrounds to identify the main problems and issues of young people in BiH. After the identification of common problems and obstacles of youth from all parts of BiH, they organized a street action and round table discussions in order to present the findings. Despite the differences, young people have quite similar or same problems when talking about their perspective in BiH. All the problems are related to education, employment, security and health which are main factors for stabile life.
Planned activities for 2015
The campaign will continue by organizing 5 round tables with over 100 representatives of schools to create dialogue on youth needs related to their education. Another advocacy action is the “Letter Campaign” where young people will be asking for greater attention to their needs, followed by 20 meetings with stakeholders where they will be advocating and presenting their messages and asking for the increased investments and support. The campaign will be promoted through TV shows, aiming to reach general public and create public support.
Implemented activities in 2014
The highlights of the first phase was the youth event (Forum Klyuche) conducted with participation of over 70 young people, NGO, decision makers, business representatives. The event was focusing on the link between the CSE and youth employment. Among the speakers we mention the deputy-minister of youth and sport, Y-PEER educators, young entrepreneurs, sexuality education activists; event’s messages reached over 6000 people through social networks and over 100 people via live-stream of the event.
Planned activities for 2015
Bulgarian main activities will be focusing on getting youth community to influence key Bulgarian decision-makers on acknowledgment the importance of Post-2015 development agenda and the translation of international commitments to national level actions. They want to focus our efforts on making sure CSE is pushed forward and other youth-related issues of Post-2015 agenda are followed-up and being used as stepping stones for development/revision of relevant national policies.
Implemented activities in 2014
Face-to-face meetings with youth in urban and rural areas directly engaged more than 180 young people, who were able to voice their opinions on youth SRH&RR, HIV/AIDS prevention, Gender Equality, and youth participation and employment. As a result, their opinions will be reflected as set of recommendations in the Advocacy Paper to be prepared by the Youth Advisory Panel and presented to stakeholders in the next phase.
Planned activities for 2015
The Advocacy Paper that will be integrating the youth priorities including Reproductive Health and Rights, Gender Equality, Child Marriage and Investing in Youth will be used for conducting a series of town-hall meetings to facilitate the dialogue with local stakeholders and decision-makers, as well as consultation meetings with the UN Youth Delegate and key stakeholders at the MoFA.
Implemented activities in 2014
A workshop-tour took place in five municipalities, engaging young people from elementary and high schools in facilitated discussions that revealed what they think can be changed for the better in their community, city, school or country and how they can be part of that change. Other activities carried out include gathering photos with messages, expanding the partnerships and engaging more civil society organizations and other stakeholders.
Planned activities for 2015
Follow-up activities will take place in the same municipalities (Prishtine, Gjilan, Gjakove, Dragash and Mitrovice) in the upcoming months (May- November). Activities that will be held include workshops on advocacy techniques; Appointments with Youth Departments and mayors of 5 municipalities; Appointment with Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport ministry and a press conference.
Implemented activities in 2014
The youth networks used the momentum created by the “Jashtar camp” and set up a stand where young people were informed about the Youth Voice campaign, photographed with messages and informed about a petition in support of an SRHR bill. They also organized meetings with university students, held a flash mob advocating for parliamentarians’ support for the reproductive rights bill and produced a video for advocacy purposes.
Planned activities for 2015
Planned activities continue with focus group discussions along with gathering post cards that present the voices of young people. The outcome document will be introduced at a press conference-round table with key actors, focusing on the importance of reflecting the youth needs into the SDG. They will also organize another flash mob in front of the Parliamentarians Office.
Implemented activities in 2014
Along with organizing meetings with local youth activists and students, the main activity in Ukraine focused on producing a video that incorporates inputs received from young people – what they need, and what the state and society can do to create favorable conditions for their development and well-being.
Planned activities for 2015
The organizations aim to work with the All-Ukrainian Coalition on Family Planning and Reproductive Health and other partner NGOs as one of effective methods in delivering information to different target groups and advocacy of youth’ rights. In addition, they will initiate the second wave of the on-line campaign in order to attract attention of the state representatives and civil society to youth’ needs.
Implemented activities in 2014
Youth voices were collected through postcards on which young people wrote their answers to the question “Why should the government invest in young people?” Nearly 7,500 young people were informed, motivated, and given the opportunity to express their opinion during the campaign and almost 3,000 postcard responses were received. The answers were analyzed and backed-up by statistical data on the main problems facing youth as well as solutions to these problems. A youth statement was developed and will be used to advocate for the inclusion of young people into government priorities.
Planned activities for 2015
Implemented activities in 2014
A consultation workshop brought together participants from different NGOs and with different backgrounds. The workshop included a capacity-building component on general advocacy principles in which participants analyzed strategic documents, statistics and laws, and voted on their six main priorities. Following the development of a joint Position Paper, participants conducted a validation process using the open space method, which involved more than 300 young people.
Planned activities for 2015
Within the follow-up campaign, 8000 postcards will be distributed and flash mobs with at least 50 young people in 8 cities will be organized, aiming to spread the key messages on youth position in post-2015 agenda. Every postcard will include the message from young people and the compiled outcome will be sent to decision-makers and government representatives. Furthermore, eight roundtables with decision makers will be initiated to present the review and discuss the current youth issues and priorities in post 2015 development agenda.
Implemented activities in 2014
The activities implemented included a debate tournament and an art event where young artists expressed their thoughts and visions for the future through painting, graffiti and anime. A youth conference then brought together representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations to discuss the youth priorities and their integration in the future development agenda. In addition, a Public Forum for women and girl leaders was held, where issues related to capacity-building and methods of preventing violence against girls from rural areas were addressed.
Planned activities for 2015
The upcoming activities include a variety of activities, such as blogging, creating and collecting key youth messages, conducting advocacy workshop, organizing International Youth Day celebration and debates tournament. All activities are focused on raising voices of young people and promotion of youth participation. As the vision of young people is formulated, they will have meetings engaging both representatives of young leaders and Government.
Implemented activities in 2014
All activities were carried out as part of the Annual Work Plan of the “Community Volunteers Foundation”, an organization that is one of UNFPA’s implementing partners in Turkey. This Annual Work Plan included: the UNFPA SWOP Report launch event where young people presented their statements to representatives of government, non-governmental organizations and media; over 156 outreach events in 37 different cities in Turkey to mark World AIDS Day; and the convening of a Youth Advisory Panel in order to ensure more youth-friendly programming and gather young people’s recommendations for UNFPA Turkey programmes.
Planned activities for 2015
The first activity is aimed to enhance the capacity of existing volunteers in advocacy, by conducting a training on communication and social media tools, developing youth-friendly messages for lobbying and giving information on post2015 processes and youth rights. After that, participants will start their advocacy and media campaigns, and will have the face-to-face meetings with candidates on MPs in upcoming 24th General Elections to raise their awareness and ask support on youth rights as a grant to build a sustainable relations for further projects such as post-2015 actions after they are elected.
Implemented activities in 2014
The voices and opinions of young people were collected by conducting focus group discussions, debates, competitions and interviews, as well as by analyzing some of the available reports and previously conducted consultations with young people.
Planned activities for 2015
Activities will be focused on achieving the support of the Government, in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in identifying more concrete tasks and indicators related to the needs of young people with a further inclusion of them as a part of post 2015 development agenda. Variety of different peer education activities will be conducted, including theatre based trainings, performances on importance of investing in youth, development of training module on adult-youth partnership and a round table meeting with key decision makers.
Implemented activities in 2014
Along with organizing meetings with local youth activists and students, the main activity in Ukraine focused on producing a video that incorporates inputs received from young people – what they need, and what the state and society can do to create favorable conditions for their development and well-being.
Planned activities for 2015
The organizations aim to work with the All-Ukrainian Coalition on Family Planning and Reproductive Health and other partner NGOs as one of effective methods in delivering information to different target groups and advocacy of youth’ rights. In addition, they will initiate the second wave of the on-line campaign in order to attract attention of the state representatives and civil society to youth’ needs.
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